// This is just an example, // so you can safely delete all default props below export default { register: "Register", login: "Login", logout: "Logout", edit_profile: "Edit Profile", my_orders: "My Orders", my_blogs: "My Blogs", language: "Language", guidebooks: "GuideBooks", blogs_vlogs: "Blogs/Vlogs", travel_shop: "Travel Shop", destinations: "Destinations", more_destinations: "More Destinations", places_in_china: "Places to go in China", tailor_made_trip: "Want a Tailor Made Trip to China? Click Here for Help", people_are_traveling: "People are traveling", whats_in_china: "What's in China", latest_guidebooks: "Latest Guidebooks", most_downloaded_guidebooks: "Most Downloaded Guidebooks", blogs_of_the_week: "Blogs of The Week", write_your_blog: "Write your blog", latest_blogs: "Latest blogs", most_viewed_in_month: "Most viewed in a month", blogers_m_following: "Bloggers I'm following", group_tour: "Group tour", hotel_deals: "Hotel deals", flight_deals: "Flight deals", holiday_package: "Holiday package", china_stuff: "China stuff", search_by_title: "Search by title", deals_for_you: "Deals for you", seasonal_recommendation: "Seasonal Recommendation", enter_email: "Enter your email", enter_password: "Enter your password", };