quasar.config.js 6.2 KB

  1. /* eslint-env node */
  2. /*
  3. * This file runs in a Node context (it's NOT transpiled by Babel), so use only
  4. * the ES6 features that are supported by your Node version. https://node.green/
  5. */
  6. // Configuration for your app
  7. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js
  8. const { configure } = require('quasar/wrappers');
  9. module.exports = configure(function (/* ctx */) {
  10. return {
  11. eslint: {
  12. // fix: true,
  13. // include: [],
  14. // exclude: [],
  15. // rawOptions: {},
  16. warnings: true,
  17. errors: true
  18. },
  19. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/prefetch-feature
  20. // preFetch: true,
  21. // app boot file (/src/boot)
  22. // --> boot files are part of "main.js"
  23. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/boot-files
  24. boot: [
  25. "i18n", "axios", "globalMixin"
  26. ],
  27. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js#css
  28. css: [
  29. 'app.scss'
  30. ],
  31. // https://github.com/quasarframework/quasar/tree/dev/extras
  32. extras: [
  33. // 'ionicons-v4',
  34. // 'mdi-v5',
  35. // 'fontawesome-v6',
  36. // 'eva-icons',
  37. // 'themify',
  38. // 'line-awesome',
  39. // 'roboto-font-latin-ext', // this or either 'roboto-font', NEVER both!
  40. 'roboto-font', // optional, you are not bound to it
  41. 'material-icons', // optional, you are not bound to it
  42. ],
  43. // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js#build
  44. build: {
  45. target: {
  46. browser: [ 'es2019', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari13.1' ],
  47. node: 'node16'
  48. },
  49. vueRouterMode: 'history', // available values: 'hash', 'history'
  50. // vueRouterBase,
  51. // vueDevtools,
  52. // vueOptionsAPI: false,
  53. // rebuildCache: true, // rebuilds Vite/linter/etc cache on startup
  54. // publicPath: '/',
  55. // analyze: true,
  56. // env: {},
  57. // rawDefine: {}
  58. // ignorePublicFolder: true,
  59. // minify: false,
  60. // polyfillModulePreload: true,
  61. // distDir
  62. // extendViteConf (viteConf) {},
  63. // viteVuePluginOptions: {},
  64. // vitePlugins: [
  65. // [ 'package-name', { ..options.. } ]
  66. // ]
  67. },
  68. // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js#devServer
  69. devServer: {
  70. // https: true
  71. open: true, // opens browser window automatically
  72. port: 9583,
  73. },
  74. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js#framework
  75. framework: {
  76. config: {},
  77. // iconSet: 'material-icons', // Quasar icon set
  78. // lang: 'en-US', // Quasar language pack
  79. // For special cases outside of where the auto-import strategy can have an impact
  80. // (like functional components as one of the examples),
  81. // you can manually specify Quasar components/directives to be available everywhere:
  82. //
  83. // components: [],
  84. // directives: [],
  85. // Quasar plugins
  86. plugins: ["Notify", "Loading"]
  87. },
  88. // animations: 'all', // --- includes all animations
  89. // https://v2.quasar.dev/options/animations
  90. animations: [],
  91. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js#property-sourcefiles
  92. // sourceFiles: {
  93. // rootComponent: 'src/App.vue',
  94. // router: 'src/router/index',
  95. // store: 'src/store/index',
  96. // registerServiceWorker: 'src-pwa/register-service-worker',
  97. // serviceWorker: 'src-pwa/custom-service-worker',
  98. // pwaManifestFile: 'src-pwa/manifest.json',
  99. // electronMain: 'src-electron/electron-main',
  100. // electronPreload: 'src-electron/electron-preload'
  101. // },
  102. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-ssr/configuring-ssr
  103. ssr: {
  104. // ssrPwaHtmlFilename: 'offline.html', // do NOT use index.html as name!
  105. // will mess up SSR
  106. // extendSSRWebserverConf (esbuildConf) {},
  107. // extendPackageJson (json) {},
  108. pwa: false,
  109. // manualStoreHydration: true,
  110. // manualPostHydrationTrigger: true,
  111. prodPort: 9583, // The default port that the production server should use
  112. // (gets superseded if process.env.PORT is specified at runtime)
  113. middlewares: [
  114. 'render' // keep this as last one
  115. ]
  116. },
  117. // https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-pwa/configuring-pwa
  118. pwa: {
  119. workboxMode: 'generateSW', // or 'injectManifest'
  120. injectPwaMetaTags: true,
  121. swFilename: 'sw.js',
  122. manifestFilename: 'manifest.json',
  123. useCredentialsForManifestTag: false,
  124. // useFilenameHashes: true,
  125. // extendGenerateSWOptions (cfg) {}
  126. // extendInjectManifestOptions (cfg) {},
  127. // extendManifestJson (json) {}
  128. // extendPWACustomSWConf (esbuildConf) {}
  129. },
  130. // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-cordova-apps/configuring-cordova
  131. cordova: {
  132. // noIosLegacyBuildFlag: true, // uncomment only if you know what you are doing
  133. },
  134. // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-capacitor-apps/configuring-capacitor
  135. capacitor: {
  136. hideSplashscreen: true
  137. },
  138. // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-electron-apps/configuring-electron
  139. electron: {
  140. // extendElectronMainConf (esbuildConf)
  141. // extendElectronPreloadConf (esbuildConf)
  142. // specify the debugging port to use for the Electron app when running in development mode
  143. inspectPort: 5858,
  144. bundler: 'packager', // 'packager' or 'builder'
  145. packager: {
  146. // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager/blob/master/docs/api.md#options
  147. // OS X / Mac App Store
  148. // appBundleId: '',
  149. // appCategoryType: '',
  150. // osxSign: '',
  151. // protocol: 'myapp://path',
  152. // Windows only
  153. // win32metadata: { ... }
  154. },
  155. builder: {
  156. // https://www.electron.build/configuration/configuration
  157. appId: 'hichina-main-front-mobile-first-v2'
  158. }
  159. },
  160. // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/developing-browser-extensions/configuring-bex
  161. bex: {
  162. contentScripts: [
  163. 'my-content-script'
  164. ],
  165. // extendBexScriptsConf (esbuildConf) {}
  166. // extendBexManifestJson (json) {}
  167. }
  168. }
  169. });