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- <script>
- import { api } from "boot/axios";
- import { useQuasar } from "quasar";
- // import myUpload from "vue-image-crop-upload";
- import ProductEditorDialog from "components/ProductEditorDialog.vue";
- // import UploadImage from "v-upload-image";
- import { myMixin } from "boot/commonFunc";
- export default {
- name: "ProductSkuPages",
- mixins: [myMixin],
- components: {
- ProductEditorDialog,
- // "upload-image": UploadImage,
- // "my-upload": myUpload,
- },
- setup() {
- const $q = useQuasar();
- return {
- showNotifyMessageFail(msg) {
- $q.notify({
- message: msg,
- color: "red",
- position: "top-right",
- });
- },
- showNotifyMessageSucceed(msg) {
- $q.notify({
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- color: "green",
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- showFullPageLoading() {
- this.disableAction = true;
- $q.loading.show();
- },
- hideFullPageLoading() {
- $q.loading.hide();
- this.disableAction = false;
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- copyText(text) {
- const unsecuredCopyToClipboard = (text) => {
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- document.execCommand("copy");
- } catch (err) {
- console.error("Unable to copy to clipboard", err);
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- document.body.removeChild(textArea);
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- if (window.isSecureContext && navigator.clipboard) {
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
- this.showNotifyMessageSucceed("成功复制" + text + "到剪贴板");
- } else {
- unsecuredCopyToClipboard(text);
- this.showNotifyMessageSucceed("成功复制" + text + "到剪贴板");
- }
- },
- refreshTable() {
- console.log("post create refresh...");
- this.$refs.productSkuTableRef.requestServerInteraction();
- console.log("ppppppp");
- },
- cropUploadFail(status, field) {
- console.log("-------- upload fail --------");
- console.log(status);
- console.log("field: " + field);
- this.showNotifyMessageFail("上传失败");
- },
- cropUploadSuccess(jsonData, field) {
- console.log("field: " + field);
- this.new_sku_dialog_customPropertyBag[this.currentProcessingImageKey] =
- jsonData.data;
- this.showNotifyMessageSucceed("上传成功");
- this.showImageUpload = false;
- },
- cropSuccess(imgDataUrl, field) {
- console.log("-------- crop success --------");
- this.imgDataUrl = imgDataUrl;
- },
- toggleImageUpload(val) {
- this.currentProcessingImageKey = val;
- this.showImageUpload = !this.showImageUpload;
- this.upload_icon_params.expectedType = "thumbnail";
- },
- changeToEmbeded(originLink) {
- if (originLink.indexOf("&") > 0) {
- originLink = originLink.substring(0, originLink.indexOf("&"));
- }
- return originLink.replace("watch?v=", "embed/");
- },
- doInsertVideo() {
- if (this.videolink == null || this.videolink.length < 1) {
- this.showNotifyMessageFail("空链接");
- return;
- }
- this.videolink = this.changeToEmbeded(this.videolink);
- this.$refs.newSkuEditor.runCmd(
- "insertHTML",
- `<iframe
- src="` +
- this.videolink +
- `"
- width="640"
- height="360"
- frameborder="0"
- allowfullscreen
- />`
- );
- this.insertVideoLinkBox = false;
- },
- async customProcessImage(image) {
- const formData = new FormData();
- formData.append("expectedType", "blogImage");
- formData.append("imageFile", image);
- api
- .post("/api/v1/image/upload", formData)
- .then((response) => {
- console.log("show the response");
- console.log(response.data);
- this.showNotifyMessageSucceed("成功插入图片");
- this.imageUploadBox = false;
- this.$refs.newSkuEditor.runCmd("insertImage", response.data.data);
- return { imageId: "somefake", imageUrl: response.data.data };
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- this.showNotifyMessageFail(e.toString());
- });
- },
- insertImg() {
- this.imageUploadBox = true;
- },
- insertVid() {
- this.insertVideoLinkBox = true;
- this.videolink = "";
- },
- executeDelete() {
- console.log("to delete selected:");
- console.log(this.selected);
- var listOfId2Del = [];
- for (var i in this.selected) {
- listOfId2Del.push(this.selected[i].sku_id);
- }
- var params = {};
- params.toDelete = listOfId2Del;
- api
- .delete("/api/v1/productsku/batch", { data: params })
- .then((response) => {
- this.showNotifyMessageSucceed(response.data.message);
- this.$refs.productSkuTableRef.requestServerInteraction();
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- this.showNotifyMessageFail(e.toString());
- });
- },
- goDelete() {
- if (this.selected.length < 1) {
- this.showNotifyMessageFail("没有选中任何项");
- return;
- }
- this.confirmDelete = true;
- },
- pageProductTypeChange() {
- this.$refs.productSkuTableRef.requestServerInteraction();
- },
- onRequest(props) {
- const { page, rowsPerPage } = props.pagination;
- const filter = props.filter;
- var storeThis = this;
- this.loading = true;
- var params = {};
- params.page = page;
- params.pageSize = rowsPerPage;
- params.query = filter;
- console.log("what product type filter it is:");
- console.log(this.product_type_filter);
- params.productTypeId =
- this.product_type_filter == "" ? "" : this.product_type_filter.value;
- api
- .get("/api/v1/productsku", {
- params: params,
- })
- .then((response) => {
- console.log(response.data);
- this.productskus = response.data.data.data;
- console.log("this is the product skus I got:");
- console.log(this.productskus);
- this.serverPagination.page = response.data.data.currentPage;
- this.serverPagination.rowsNumber = response.data.data.total;
- this.serverPagination.rowsPerPage = response.data.data.pageSize;
- console.log(this.serverPagination);
- this.loading = false;
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- console.log(e);
- storeThis.showNotifyMessageFail(e.response);
- });
- },
- pasteCapture(evt) {
- // Let inputs do their thing, so we don't break pasting of links.
- // Let inputs do their thing, so we don't break pasting of links.
- if (evt.target.nodeName === "INPUT") return;
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- text = evt.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
- this.$refs.newSkuEditor.runCmd("insertText", text);
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- text = evt.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
- this.$refs.newSkuEditor.runCmd("insertText", text);
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- }
- onPasteStripFormattingIEPaste = false;
- }
- },
- dropCapture(evt) {
- console.log(evt);
- },
- loadAllProductTypes() {
- var params = {};
- // -1 indicates don't want paging at all
- params.page = -1;
- params.pageSize = -1;
- params.query = "";
- var storeThis = this;
- api
- .get("/api/v1/producttype", {
- params: params,
- })
- .then((response) => {
- var allProductTypes = response.data.data.data;
- this.product_type_options = [];
- for (var i in allProductTypes) {
- var obj = {};
- obj.value = allProductTypes[i].product_type_id;
- obj.label = allProductTypes[i].product_type_name;
- this.product_type_options.push(obj);
- }
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- console.log(e);
- storeThis.showNotifyMessageFail(e.response);
- });
- },
- newProductSKU() {
- // this.newskudialog = true;
- // this.new_sku_dialog_product_name = "";
- // this.new_sku_dialog_description = "";
- // this.new_sku_dialog_product_type = "";
- // this.new_sku_dialog_customPropertyBag = {};
- this.$refs.updateDetailDialog.toggleCreateSku();
- },
- goProductDetail(skuId) {
- this.$refs.updateDetailDialog.popMeUp(skuId);
- this.editskudialogopen = true;
- },
- copyCreate(skuId) {
- this.$refs.updateDetailDialog.toggleCopyCreateSku(skuId);
- },
- },
- mounted() {
- this.getRestBase();
- this.$refs.productSkuTableRef.requestServerInteraction();
- this.loadAllProductTypes();
- },
- data() {
- return {
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- upload_icon_params: {},
- rest_base: "",
- image: "",
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- icon_image_path: false,
- maximizedToggle: false,
- videolink: "",
- insertVideoLinkBox: false,
- imageUploadBox: false,
- confirmDelete: false,
- editskudialogopen: true,
- productskus: [],
- rawPropertyBags: [],
- new_sku_dialog_customPropertyBag: {},
- definitions: {
- insert_img: {
- tip: "插入图片",
- icon: "photo",
- handler: this.insertImg,
- },
- insert_video: {
- tip: "插入油管视频",
- icon: "play_circle_filled",
- handler: this.insertVid,
- },
- },
- new_sku_dialog_description: "",
- new_sku_dialog_product_type: "",
- new_sku_dialog_product_name: "",
- newskudialog: false,
- product_type_options: [],
- product_type_filter: "",
- selected: [],
- filter: "",
- loading: false,
- serverPagination: {
- page: 1,
- rowsPerPage: 100,
- rowsNumber: 10, // specifying this determines pagination is server-side
- },
- columns: [
- {
- name: "product_name",
- required: true,
- label: "产品名",
- align: "left",
- field: "product_name",
- sortable: false,
- style:
- "max-width: 100px;text-overflow: ellipsis !important;white-space: nowrap !important;overflow: hidden !important;",
- },
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- name: "product_type_name",
- required: true,
- label: "产品类别",
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